1. Set in the 1930s, Lionel Trilling’s novel explores the relationships between politics and friendship among upper-middle-class American intellectuals. The novel is primarily located at a Connecticut summer retreat. When he takes the train there from New York to stay with friends, John Laskell talks with his old college friend, Gifford Maxim.
    The Middle of the Journey reflects this ideological conflict, with Gifford Maxim representing someone who was initially a communist but repudiated the party and became a vehement anti-communist, the Crooms representing “fellow travelers” who were ideologically enthralled to communism to the point of not seeing the evil in Stalin, and John Laskell representing Trilling's own ideological liberalism.
  2. The Middle of the Journey by Lionel Trilling | Goodreads

    At one point in Lionel Trilling’s first and only novel, THE MIDDLE OF THE JOURNEY, (1947), Gifford Maxim is asked by his friend, John Laskell, to identify …

    • 3.7/5
    • Publish Year: 1947
    • Author: Lionel Trilling
    • Pages: 400
  3. The Middle of the Journey (New York Review Books …

    Sep 1, 2002 · Published in 1947, as the cold war was heating up, Lionel Trilling’s only novel was a prophetic reckoning with the bitter ideological disputes that …

    • 4.1/5
    • Author: Lionel Trilling
  4. The Middle of the Journey - New York Review Books

    Lionel Trilling's The Middle of the Journey is a searching account of the liberal's dilemma of conscience in a world surrendering to extremes of dogma, an …

    • Brand: New York Review Books
    • Availability: In stock
  5. The middle of the journey : Trilling, Lionel, 1905-1975 - Archive.org

  6. The Middle of the Journey Summary - eNotes.com

  7. THE MIDDLE OF THE JOURNEY - Kirkus Reviews

  8. The middle of the journey : Trilling, Lionel, 1905-1975 - Archive.org

  9. The Middle of the Journey by Lionel Trilling: …

    Published in 1947, as the cold war was heating up, Lionel Trilling’s only novel was a prophetic reckoning with the bitter ideological disputes that were to come to a head in the McCarthy era. The Middle of the Journey revolves around a political …

  10. The Middle of the Journey - Lionel Trilling

  11. Whittaker Chambers and ‘The Middle of the Journey’ - The New …