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    1930s Men’s Hat Styles and Fashion History - Vintage …

    One of the most popular hats for men in the 1930s was the fur felt hat known as a Trilby or Fedora. The fedora is nearly identical, with the Trilby having a slightly shorter crown. These hats are worn in Hollywood movies by both the smart and handsome detectives and the rough and dangerous gangsters. Indiana Jones wears one too. Good or bad, a few ...

    Vintage Dancer

    The hat most older men and gangsters preferred was the center dent “Conservative Fedora” also called a Homburg. A slightly more formal hat than the soft fedora, it had straight sides (no dent) and a deep center dent. It was quite tall, about 5.5 inches, giving the wearer height and prominence. 1930s Homburg hats featured: 1. Fur felt construction. ...


    A carry-over from the past four decades, the classic Bowler Hat — also called a Derby — was just as popular as ever in the 1930s. The traditional hard top felt was replaced by softer, more breathable felt in the ’30s. Other details of 1930s bowler include: 1. 1.1. Most popular in black, grey or brown. 1.2. Tall and round crown. 1.3. Narrow curled b...


    Another carryover from decades past is the casual cap, called an Ivy, golf cap or driving cap today. The 1920s style newsboy capwith an 8/4 panel design attached to a short brim was still worn in the 1930s. The newer style was the one piece cap that eventually gave way to a more sleek and fitted Ivy style. Some other details are: 1. Colors: Brown, ...


    In the mid 1930s a new style for sporty casual hat was introduced as the Porkpie / Pork Pie. They were first seen ta race tracks and ball games. It was a little different than the 1940s porkpie: 1. Colors: Black, browns, blue. 2. Made of fur felt. 3. Oval flat top with deep crease around the oval. College kids dented the crown 4. Short crown. 5. Wi...

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