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  1. Weekly Reader - Wikipedia

    • Weekly Reader was a weekly educational classroom magazine designed for children. It began in 1928 as My Weekly Reader. Editions covered curriculum themes in the younger grade levels and news-based, current events and curriculum themed-issues in older grade levels. The publishing company also created workbooks, literacy centers, and picture books … 詳細


    Formerly My Weekly Reader, the Weekly Reader was a weekly newspaper for elementary school … 詳細


    One of the best-known events in the magazine's history is its quadrennial "Weekly Reader Student Presidential Election Poll". The poll is an educational exercise in which Weekly Reader-subscribing teach… 詳細


    In 2005, Weekly Reader Publishing's literary magazine, Read, launched Word, a blog that features student writing and other literary news. It also offers interactive opportunities for reading and writing, including its "Wha… 詳細

  1. Weekly reader : 60 years of news for kids, 1928-1988

    2010年5月20日 · My weekly reader, Children's periodicals, American Publisher New York : World Almanac Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 477.1M

  2. 他の人はこちらも質問
  3. Weekly Reader: An Important Part of Classrooms for Many Years

  4. Weekly Reader Publishing - Wikipedia

  5. 朝日ウイークリーデジタル(Asahi Weekly DIGITAL) | 朝 …

    朝日新聞社が発行する週刊英字新聞「朝日ウイークリーデジタル (Asahi Weekly DIGITAL)」のページです。 日本語ナビ付きで、初級者でも楽しく読みながら時事英語に親しむことができます。 英語学習用のコラムや、時事ニュース、エッセー、エンタメなど、多彩な内容を掲載しています。

  6. Asahi Weekly DIGITAL

  7. コンテンツ一覧 | 朝日ウイークリーデジタル(Asahi …

    教科書では学ぶ機会の少ない英語らしい慣用表現やイディオムを、クイズ形式で出題します。 3カ月ごとに筆者が変わるリレーエッセーです。 英語版の人生相談です。 米国人の日常生活が垣間見えます。 朝日新聞朝刊1面の人気コラムの英訳。 和訳付き。 原則週6日掲載します。 朝日新聞の社説の英訳。 和訳付きで …

  8. Weekly Reader facts for kids - Kids encyclopedia

  9. Weekly Reader - History - LiquiSearch

  10. The Final Bell Rings for Weekly Reader, a Classroom Staple

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