Bench Press strength standards help you to compare your one-rep max lift with other lifters at your bodyweight. Our community Bench Press standards are based on 42,503,844 lifts by Strength Level users. What is the average Bench Press? The average Bench Press weight for a male lifter is 217 lb (1RM).
詳細情報:Bench Press strength standards help you to compare your one-rep max lift with other lifters at your bodyweight. Our community Bench Press standards are based on 42,503,844 lifts by Strength Level users. What is the average Bench Press? The average Bench Press weight for a male lifter is 217 lb (1RM). following measurements showcase relative strength standards for the bench press exercise based on a wide range of factors such as body weight, age, gender, training experience, and... on the weight class, bench presses will range from 81kg (178lbs) to 156kg (343lbs) for men and 43kg (95lbs) to 72kg (158lbs) for women. Across the weight classes, the 66kg (145lb) 19-year-olds have the strongest bench presses on average compared to the other bodyweight categories at 1.55xBW.…自分のトレーニングレベルをトレーニング種目別にMAX重量(1RMの重量)によって判断するというもので、リンク先のサイトにある表に自分の体重とMAX重量を当てはめると、種目別に自分がどの程度のレベルなのかを確認することができます。 ベンチプレス 何kg挙がれば中級者? ベンチプレスを例にとってみると、体重70kgの人の場合、挙上できるMAXの重量によって以下の5つに区分することができます。 ※Beginnerは未経験者、Noviceは未経験ではないけど未熟者というニュアンスです。 この基準に照らし合わせると、 体重70kgの男性ならベンチプレスのMAX重量が85kg以上であれば中級者 と呼べるということがわかります。 press strength standards from 17 296 men and 7 112 women. Compare your strength with our bench press calculator.…Bench Press Standards for Men and Women (lb) - Strength Level の検索結果のみを表示Kg
Tables of Bench Press strength standards for men and women. Find out how strong …
Tables of Dumbbell Curl strength standards for men and women. Find out how strong …
Bench Press Standards | BarBend
2024年12月5日 · The following measurements showcase relative strength standards for the bench press exercise based on a wide range of factors such as body weight, age, gender, training experience, and...
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How Much Should You Be Able To Bench? (By Age & Weight)
ベンチプレス 何kg挙がれば中級者? - 彩りある人生を
2019年2月25日 · 自分のトレーニングレベルをトレーニング種目別にMAX重量(1RMの重量)によって判断するというもので、リンク先のサイトにある表に自分の体重とMAX重量を当てはめると、種目別に自分がどの程度のレベルなのかを確認することができます。 ベンチプレス 何kg挙がれば中級者? ベンチプレ …
Bench Press Strength Standards for Men and Women (lb)
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Strength Standards – StrengthLog
Bench Press Strength Standards for Men and Women
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Starting Strength
Dumbbell Bench Press Standards - Strength Level
Tables of Dumbbell Bench Press strength standards for men and women. Find out how strong you are compared to other lifters at your bodyweight.
Bench Press Strength Standards for Men and Women (kg)
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