- The respiratory system (also respiratory apparatus, ventilatory system) is a biological system consisting of specific organs and structures used for gas exchange in animals and plants.詳細情報:The respiratory system (also respiratory apparatus, ventilatory system) is a biological system consisting of specific organs and structures used for gas exchange in animals and plants.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respiratory_systemThe respiratory system, also called the pulmonary system, consists of several organs that function as a whole to oxygenate the body through the process of respiration (breathing).www.kenhub.com/en/library/anatomy/the-respirator…Le système respiratoire a la fonction vitale d'assurer les fonctions respiratoires en procédant à des échanges gazeux : il permet d'aspirer de l'air pour apporter l'oxygène nécessaire à l'organisme...sante.journaldesfemmes.fr/fiches-anatomie-et-exa…Le système respiratoire permet les échanges gazeux du dioxygène et du dioxyde de carbone entre l’air ambiant et le sang.www.alloprof.qc.ca/fr/eleves/bv/sciences/le-system…
Het respiratoir systeem bestaat grofweg uit:
- de hogere luchtwegen. De zuurstofrijke ingeademde lucht stroomt via de hogere luchtwegen naar de longen;
- de longen. ...
www.klinischredeneren.nl/orgaansysteem/respirato… - さらに表示:Wikipedia ですべてを見てください
Respiratory system - Wikipedia
The respiratory system (also respiratory apparatus, ventilatory system) is a biological system consisting of specific organs and structures used for gas exchange in animals and plants. The anatomy and physiology that make this happen varies greatly, depending on the size of the organism, the environment in … 詳細
In humans and other mammals, the anatomy of a typical respiratory system is the respiratory tract. The tract is divided into an upper 詳細Cetaceans
Horses are obligate nasal breathers which means that they are different from many other mammals because … 詳細The anatomical structure of the lungs is less complex in reptiles than in mammals, with reptiles lacking the very extensive airway tree structure found in mammalian lungs. Gas exchange in reptiles still occurs in alveoli however. Reptiles do not possess a 詳細
Oxygen is poorly soluble in water. Fully aerated fresh water therefore contains only 8–10 ml O2/liter compared to the O2 concentration of 210 ml/liter in the air at sea level. Furthermore, the 詳細
Both the lungs and the skin serve as respiratory organs in amphibians. The ventilation of the lungs in amphibians relies on positive pressure ventilation. Muscles lower the floor of … 詳細
Some species of crab use a respiratory organ called a branchiostegal lung. Its gill-like structure increases the surface area for gas exchange which is … 詳細CC-BY-SA ライセンスに準拠した Wikipedia テキスト Respiratoir systeem - Klinisch Redeneren
In dit orgaansysteem worden de anatomie, fysiologie, pathologie, klinische implicaties en beleid rondom respiratoire aandoeningen besproken. Bij het klinisch redeneren rondom dit stelsel geven we onder meer de termen ventilatie, perfusie, diffusie oxygenatie, respiratie, en ademarbeid een centrale plek.
Le système respiratoire et son anatomie | Secondaire
Le rôle du système respiratoire est d’approvisionner l’organisme en dioxygène (O2) (O 2) et d’en expulser le dioxyde de carbone (CO2). (CO 2). Les principales structures du système respiratoire sont identifiées dans l’image suivante. 1. Les fosses nasales. 2. Le pharynx. 3. Le larynx. 4. La trachée. 5. Les poumons. 6. …
Human respiratory system | Description, Parts, Function ...
Respiratory System Anatomy, Diagram & Function
2023年7月31日 · The respiratory system includes the organs, tissues, and muscles that help you breathe. It helps distribute oxygen throughout your body while filtering out carbon dioxide and other waste products....
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Respiratory System - Physiopedia
They bring oxygen into our bodies (called inspiration, or inhalation) and send carbon dioxide out (called expiration, or exhalation) [1]. The respiratory system of animals is crucial for the life as it allows the exchange of gases between an organism and the environment. [2] This exchange of oxygen and carbon …
Respiratory system | Definition, Organs, Function,
1998年9月19日 · respiratory system, the system in living organisms that takes up oxygen and discharges carbon dioxide in order to satisfy energy requirements. In the living organism, energy is liberated, along with carbon dioxide, through the oxidation of molecules containing carbon.
Respiratory system: Anatomy and functions - Kenhub
2023年10月30日 · The respiratory system, also called the pulmonary system, consists of several organs that function as a whole to oxygenate the body through the process of respiration (breathing).
Respiratory System - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Het respiratoire systeem - Het respiratoire systeem …
Het respiratoire systeem Bestaat uit de onderdelen: neus, keelholte, luchtpijp, strottenhoofd en longen. Ze zorgen voor luchtverplaatsing. De gaswisseling zelf vind plaats in het kleinste deel van de longen. Wat zijn de functies van
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